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ABOUT ME-2.png

Hey guys, my name is Todd Cunning. And I just want to help.I started nearly a decade ago in the health and medical industry as an exercise physiologist trying to make a difference to people’s pain, but I could see it was limited and just wasn’t fixing as much I wanted to. I was greedy and wanted people fixed and awesome-er yesterday. But it just didn’t work like I’d hoped. I had convinced myself there had to be something more to it. Turns out, there was.

So, I started Vegvisir Vigour. Because I wanted to help people properly. On a great big broad holistic level. Physically, obviously, but mentally and emotionally most importantly. Because there are so many more aspects to health than pills and pretending that pain is only affecting one small part of your life. If you’ve ever had significant pain, physically or otherwise, you know how far spread and how crippling it can become in your day to day life. Maybe to the point where you do your best to pretend it isn’t there.But I still just want to help. I want you to have the life you want, not the version that you think you have, to deal with and suffer through. I want you to have the body that does what you want, not excuses for why you can’t do things. The mind that is free and ready for life, not plagued by thoughts that always end up turning to some generic phrase roughly translated as “toughen up” to get you through. I want you to feel good about your people, yourself, your life, not feel buried beneath resentment, indifference and apathy.

If this is you, please can I help? Other people before you are leaner, healthier, more productive and, most importantly, happier for it. I just need you to give yourself a chance to change that pain into something better.


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